Pickup and Dropoff

Matunuck School
Pick Up & Drop Off Protocol

Early Dismissal
  • We encourage all eligible students to ride their assigned bus.

  • If you choose to drop off your child(ren), please drive carefully to the back of the school.  Do not let your children out of the car until you reach the Teacher Assistant. Please only open car doors that face the building when exiting children. Children are to be dropped off between 8:35 and 8:53.  Never drop off a child if the Teacher Assistant is not present.

  • Students arriving after 8:53 will be considered tardy. The back door will be locked and you must proceed to the front parking lot, park, and escort your child to the front desk. You will sign him/her in late at the front desk.

  • Always use the cross-walks arriving to and leaving the building. Never walk between cars and buses.
  • Please use the Matunuck School Dismissal Form found on our website (and in the first Virtual Friday Folder.) This ensures we have all information needed if your child’s dismissal routine is changed.

  • Parents who are picking up their children at the end of the day are expected to park in the front lot and will be let into the building through the side doors after 3:10. Parents/guardians will proceed to the cafeteria where they will be required to show a picture ID prior to signing their child(ren) out.
  • If you arrive late to pick up your child(ren), please proceed to the front office where you can be checked-in by the office staff. You will be asked to show ID.
  • In an effort to protect students’ instructional time, we ask that students remain in school from 8:53-3:13 unless it is absolutely necessary to dismiss them.

  • If you must dismiss your child early, please provide the classroom teacher with the Matunuck School Dismissal Form found above first thing in the morning. This will ensure that the dismissal is documented appropriately by the office staff and your child(ren) are dismissed safely.

  • Only in emergencies you may call the office (360-1234) in advance for unexpected early dismissals. You must have principal approval.

  • All visitors are required to check-in at the office per district policy #1250. If you visit the school during the day, proceed to the front door to buzz in.  You may be asked to face the camera and to remove anything that obstructs a view of your face.  You may be asked your name and the purpose of your visit. If there is more than one adult present at the door, each adult must follow these steps.   Please do not follow the person in front of you or hold the door for the person behind you.

  • If you need to speak with your child’s teacher at any time, it is expected that you will call, write a note, or email to set up a meeting.  Once you arrive for the scheduled meeting, make sure to get a visitor’s pass from the main office and go directly to the specified meeting location.
  • All staff and visitors are asked to park in the parking lot away from bus lanes. It is important that bus lanes remain open at all times.  In case of emergency, vehicles must be able to proceed without any impediments.